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How are Caterine Sanchez clothes made?

The beautiful, feminine garments are designed in NYC. Prints are originally hand drawn by Caterine Sanchez with colored pencil or hand painted onto silk. These graphics are then taken and placed into patterns on the computer using Photoshop. The resulting images are sent to printers who print on the fabrics before they are cut and sewn into garments.
Most printing and sewing is done in the USA.

 The garments are manufactured, or sewn, primarily in the USA with one style sewn in China.


Why Made To Order?

Creating Made to Order garments is a sustainable solution to cut down wastefulness in production. Small quantities are kept in select store locations; however overall large quantities of items are not produced therefor eliminating excess which after a season would end up in landfills. The cost of the product is therefor slightly higher but we believe this supports mindfulness in shopping.



Caterine Sanchez garments are made to order so items cannot be returned. If an item is damaged please email for help.